Multiparty monitoring requires people with varied backgrounds and interests to work together to better understand and measure project impacts and results. A multiparty effort can develop an agreed-upon, comprehensive list of monitoring issues and questions; assess how well a project is meeting desired outcomes;identify how management can be adapted to improve results; and increase understanding among diverse interests.
From 2008-2014 IRM was hired by Cascade Pacific Resource Conservation & Development (CPRCD) to compile, analyze, and summarize the biophysical and socioeconomic impacts of projects completed with stewardship funds on Siuslaw National Forest (SNF). Each Multiparty Monitoring Report (MMR) analyzes the effects of the Siuslaw Collaborative Watershed Restoration Program (SCWRP). The SCWRP Program is a forest stewardship cooperative collaboration between the SNF, CPRCD and other partners. The MMr documents the biophysical accomplishments and economic impacts of Stewardship Timber Sales; Watershed Restoration projects funded with retained receipts generated from Stewardship Timber Sales both on the SNF and other lands near the SNF.
The most recently completed report can be downloaded here. All previous reports can be found at the CPRCD stewardship website. For more information please contact Marc Barnes, 541 929-3408.