

Project/Client:  Road Maintenance Inventory and Mapping,  Pacific Forest Trust
Location: near Corvallis, OR
Scope:  IRM conducted a road maintenance inventory and mapping project on 7,000 acres of managed forest.  IRM designed a custom data dictionary, which dovetailed with the client’s GIS database.  IRM field technicians mapped over 75 miles of roads using our Trimble PRO XR GPS receiver.  Attribute data was collected for roads, culverts, stream crossings, bridges, mass wasting sites, and other pertinent features.The position data was post differentially corrected using the Trimble Pathfinder Office software and was exported into ESRI shapefile formats for incorporation into the PFT GIS database.  This highly accurate and complete dataset will allow the PFT to effectively and efficiently manage the road system and prevent damage to non-timber resources as a result of poor maintenance.

Project/Client:  Forest Land Management Mapping Project, Double E Northwest
Location:  Newport, OR
Scope:  IRM utilizes its GIS to effectively manage, on an on-going basis, a 3,000 acre tract of forestland, in the Oregon coast range.  IRM provided GIS Harvest Unit Maps; Stand Inventory Maps; Endangered Species Compliance and Management Plans; Structural Diversity Plans; and Road Maintenance Monitoring Reports. The Trimble PRO XR receiver was used to collect data for the GIS, in order to maintain an up to date spatial database.Project/Client:  Forest Inventory Program, Oregon State University
Location:  OSU McDonald-Dunn College Forests
Scope: In 2007, IRM was retained by OSU to develop a DataPlus Professional® application to facilitate the re-measurement of permanent forest inventory plots at the Research Forest. Some of the advanced features of the application designed to minimize measurement and key punch errors include:
• Mirror files from previous measurements are used to ensure current measurements are equal to or larger than previous measurement.
• Diameter/height relationships for each species
• Pull down lists

Project/Client:  Hazard Tree Inventory, Oregon State University – Facility Services
Location: Corvallis, OR
Scope:  IRM was retained in 2005 to map and valuate over 15,000 trees at the OSU campus.   A Trimble Pro XR GPS receiver combined with a Laser Technology MapStar compass and Impulse Laser allowed for sub-meter offset mapping of the trees. Each tree was then evaluated in respect to its hazard potential. The data was compiled into a ArcGIS database to be used by OSU to monitor and maintain its campus tree resource.

Project/Client:  Willapa National Wildlife Refuge Road Inventory, The Nature Conservancy
Location:   Willapa Bay, WA
Scope:  IRM conducted a road maintenance inventory and mapping project for the Willapa National Wildlife Refuge on 4,000 acres of previously managed forest on Long Island on Willapa Bay, Washington.  IRM designed a custom data dictionary, which dovetailed with the client’s GIS database.  IRM field technicians mapped over 25 miles of roads using our Trimble PRO XR GPS receiver.  Data collected was for roads, culverts, stream crossings, bridges, mass wasting sites, and other pertinent features.

Project/Client:  Wildlife Monitoring Program, Oregon Department of Forestry
Location:  Salem, OR
Scope: In 2005, IRM was retained by the Oregon Department of Forestry to write a DataPlus Professional® application designed to facilitate the collection data to be used to monitor the Oregon Forest Practices Act requirement for leaving wildlife retention trees in clear cuts and riparian buffers. The resulting application calculated both retained basal area and determined when adequate levels were met.