Project/Client: Fuels Inventory – Firemon Plots, Bureau of Indian Affairs
Location: Indian Reservations, Wyoming & Montana
Scope: IRM assisted the BIA by installing 639 Firemon plots on 7 reservations throughout Wyoming and Montana. IRM designed a data collection program and a MS Access Database to convert the data into a format compatible with the Firemon Database Program. The data collected will be used to fine-tune the fuels prescriptions on the reservations.
Project/Client: Head Stewardship Project
Location: Metolius Basin, Deschutes National Forest
Scope: IRM is teamed with Melcher Logging to provide restorative mowing services on the Head Stewardship Project. IRM used its two Lightfoot™ machines to mow down competing vegetation in both Ponderosa pine plantations and old growth. Combined with the logging which Melcher Logging is conducting, this operation will fully restore the ecosystem of the basin and return the forest to a condition which will allow for maintenance through the use of prescribed fire.
Project/Client: Lagunas Bonitas Forest Stewardship and Integrated Fuels Reduction Plan, Forest Restoration Partnership, Trust for Public Land, New Mexico State Forestry
Location: northern New Mexico
Scope: IRM developed a forest stewardship plan for the Lagunas Bonitas Ranch. The ranch is the state of New Mexico’s pilot partnership with the USFS’s Forest Legacy Program. The plan focused on restoration of range and forest ecosystems and development of compatible grazing and forest harvest systems. A key element of the plan was to devise silvicultural prescriptions for restoration of ponderosa pine and mixed conifer forests. Forests across the ranch have been highly degraded due to fire suppression and past timber harvest.