Staff Qualifications

Marc D. Barnes
Senior Project Manager, Owner

Marc has over twenty years of experience in forestry. His knowledge of natural resource management is diverse and extensive – stemming from his experience as a logger in Eastern Canada, and through the positions he has held in academia, industry, and private consulting firms. Combined with his high level of education from accredited institutions, this experience allows Marc to participate with the utmost confidence on any project relating to natural resource management, including: forest inventory, timber cruising, silvicultural prescriptions, harvest system analysis, timber sale layout design, watershed analysis, and vegetation inventory and mapping. He is a registered professional forester in the state of California, a Certified Forester through the Society of American Foresters, and a member of the Forest Guild. Mr. Barnes is president, owner, and founder of Integrated Resource Management, employing experts in the fields of forestry, forest engineering, silviculture, habitat restoration and ecology since 1994.   Email Marc.

Matthew Mellenthin
Habitat Restoration Coordinator/Project Manager

After graduating from the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point in 2004 with a B.S. in Natural Resource Management and a B.A. in Social Science, Matt was hired as a forest inventory technician with Integrated Resource Management.  He has since transitioned into the role of Habitat Restoration Coordinator for the firm, where he manages the restoration department.

Matt has been on the front lines in the battle against invasive species and implementing habitat restoration projects for the last 14 years.  He has dedicated his life to the preservation of native habitats and mentoring the next generation of environmental leaders.  He has partnered with various agencies, landowners, municipalities, non-profits and utilities to develop effective and innovative management techniques for restoring native habitats.

In addition to managing the habitat restoration program at Integrated Resource Management Matt is a member of both the Board of Directors for the Calapooia Watershed Council and the Steering Committee for the Western Invasives Network.  His most important job however, is being the father of two daughters.  Email Matt.

Bill Roach
Senior Project Manager/Timber Appraiser

Bill joined the IRM team as a Senior Project Manager and Appraiser in February 2018.  Bill graduated from Oregon State University in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science in Forest Management and furthered his appraisal education in 1993 with forest appraisal curriculum from Duke University School of the Environment.  He has held positions with the Mt Hood National Forest, small logging companies, and most recently with Jackson & Prochnau.
Bill’s knowledge of the various sectors of the forest industry includes logging supervision; timber appraisals, forest management and private landowner relations. He has become an asset to the IRM team through his work on projects including timber appraisals for small woodland owners and private timber companies within western Oregon; Right of way easement development; and more recently as an expert witness for a timber lawsuit in the Blue River area. Email Bill.

Kathy Dunn
Office Manager/Bookkeeper

Kathy has been with Integrated Resource Management as the lead Office Manager/Bookkeeper since 2003. She comes from a natural resources background which has significantly enhanced her work quality and understanding of projects at IRM.

Kathy graduated from Oregon State University in 2003 with a Bachelor of Science in General Agriculture with an emphasis in Education. She is currently in charge of bookkeeping, office management, supporting project managers, and also successfully carries out project manager duties for several large scale inventory projects throughout Oregon.  Email Kathy.


Ryan Sevey
Lead Habitat Restoration Project Manager

Ryan joined the IRM team in April 2018. Ryan’s appreciation for the forestry profession started early in life as a product of Northern California’s coastal redwood logging and lumbermill industry.  He prides himself on his management experience and his ability to adapt, which comes from over 10 years of management experience. Ryan’s work ethic, management experience, education, and drive to increase his footprint in the company has quickly made him an important part of our Project Management team. Ryan’s quick grasp of company policy, job expectations, and his rapid ability to secure all required certifications and requirements is a testament to his dedication to IRM, ecosystem restoration, and the forestry profession in general.

Ryan currently holds a Bachelor of Science from Oregon State University’s forestry department in Natural Resource Management, which includes a specialty option of Fish and Wildlife Conservation. In addition to the Natural Resource Management degree from OSU Ryan had also previously earned an AA degree in Elementary Education. As a father Ryan believes that it is our duty as a society to preserve and utilize our natural environment sustainably and responsibly for future generations.  Ryan is an avid salmon and steelhead angler, loves to take his family camping, and will find any reason to put him and his family in Oregon’s beautifully diverse natural environment.  Email Ryan.


Drew Johnson
Habitat Restoration Technician

Drew has two years experience in forest restoration including work with Umpqua Vaelly Forestry as a Timber Marker and Skordahl Reforestation as a general forestry laborer.  He as worked in wetland communities as well removing invasive plants and and planting/seeding and revegetating natural areas.  He has also been a Wildland Firefighter for Oregon Woods Inc.  At IRM Drew is a Habitat Restoration Technician and has worked on several projects to restore streams, wetlands, forests and prairies.  Drew has completed post secondary coursework in Wildland Fire Science at Center Oregon Community College in Bend, Oregon.

Fisher Anderson
Habitat Restoration Project Manager
Fisher came to work for Integrated Resource Management in the summer of 2019.  He was hired on as a Habitat Restoration Technician. As a technician, Fisher worked on many aquatic and terrestrial restoration projects including slash piling, herbicide application, oak release, and noxious weed removal. After hard work and dedication to IRM, Fisher was promoted to Habitat Restoration Project Manager in the spring of 2020.  As a project manager, Fisher duties include client relations, making sure that the crew and project are running smoothly, and project reporting. Fisher has proven himself to be a hard worker, quick thinker, and someone that is always ready for a new challenge.   During Fisher’s free time he enjoys spending time with his family and anything outdoors – camping, hunting, fishing, and trapping.